Some of the test group had amazing results with only doing the modifier, don’t think that modifying is for wimps! Who is the Trainer? The only person you are fighting with is you. There is modifier option for EVERY workout. I personally think anyone can do this program. Take a rest and keep going, no need to push pause. To push yourself a little bit harder and rest a little later than you did yesterday. The ultimate goal is to beat your own time. Shaun T uses a mix of Cardio and Tabata to really kick your butt and MAXimize your results. Don’t like the slow weight room process this is for you. Max:30 is a high intensity, cardio, body weight, interval training workout. I’m going to give you a program breakdown and also do a daily check in to show my progress! I know that having someone to check in with will help me stay on track. I know that it’s a great program and I know that I didn’t do it the justice it deserved with the last round. My nutrition wasn’t perfect because it was the holiday season and how do you resist homemade sugar cookies and my Mama’s oatmeal carmelitas, well you just don’t! This is the reason I wanted to do Max:30 again. Insanity Max:30 was the first program that I fully stuck to. Pushing myself to keep going longer than the last time was a huge accomplishment. Especially when you’re involved with Spartan Race and EVERYONE who is a Spartan is amazing! You better believe it challenged me. Being in the health industry it’s hard not to compare yourself to others. It taught me that the only person I need to compete with on my fitness journey is myself.
What better way to celebrate turning 33 😱😱😱 I can’t say that this is my favorite program but it does have a special place in my heart. I kick off my 2nd round of Max:30 tomorrow.